Sunday, July 15, 2012

Back "home" in Von Donop

We've been in Von Donop inlet for a week, enjoying glorious 80 degree weather with several hikes and swimming every day--not to mention two beach potlucks with live music from musician friends. It took the first three days to dry everything out and to give Millie a varnish job. To get here we traveled from Port McNeill down Johnstone Strait to an anchorage called Forward Harbour, then through the Whirlpool, Green Point, Dent and Yuculta rapids to Shoal Bay, where the weather suddenly turned to summer. This entry will wrap up the blog. We'll return home through familiar territory over the next two weeks, hoping for continued good weather, or at least nothing too severe! By the way, I'm sorry for the typos, lack of paragraph breaks and other annoying features of doing most of this writing with the iPad--a great little device for many tasks, but not so much for this! We feel very fortunate to have had this opportunity, despite the uncooperative weather. The intellectual and physical challenges and a smidgen of peril made this a true adventure, not just a vacation. I particularly enjoyed the way our experiences each day made it easy (often necessary!) to focus on NOW and not much on yesterday or tomorrow. We look forward to seeing you all in August or September.

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